
Многонациональные народы России

Russia is a multinational state. It brings together more than 190 peoples, each with its own rich culture, history, and traditions.

Historically, Russia has become a place of coexistence and interaction of different cultures that have contributed to the formation of national identity and enriched the country's cultural heritage. The peoples of Russia preserve their unique traditions, languages, cuisine, music, dances, crafts, and religions. Travelers visiting a particular region of Russia will discover the national customs, festivals, culinary specialties, and creations of local artisans who perpetuate the centuries-old traditions of their people.

The state policy of Russia aims to protect the rights and interests of all national representations, to ensure cultural diversity, and to promote tolerance and mutual understanding among peoples. Russia strives to preserve and develop the cultural characteristics of each people, to provide opportunities for education and cultural development, and to contribute to the preservation of traditions and national values.

The multinational unity of Russia is its strength and wealth, promoting cultural exchange, multi-faceted cultural development, and strengthening the state.

Народы России говорят на почти 300 языках и наречиях, но русский язык поможет вам общаться с представителями любого из них!
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